
יום חמישי, 22 ביוני 2017

יום שני, 5 ביוני 2017

unlock Google lock ,Samsung lock,FRP lock - frp cellil

2 - Account Login Manager For All Android - install and login and after sign in reboot phone

Alliance Shield X

Restore from Samsung backup
stav888  -  Stav357...
enable admin
enable knox
App Manager / (Search service mode) / activities / choose option 3 from end - open
enable - MTP-ADB

# Option 1
open samfirm
android tools
Read Device Info
allow - usb debugging alert on screen
Reset FRP - DONE

#Option 2
ADB Operations / Remove FRP

Bypass frp Alliance issue Tool

FRP New 2022
Enable Talkback Power & UP 2 second - (for disable - power & up both once)
⅃ - Use voice commend
Say assistant
Press on the home icon
Bixby settings
Press update bixby - but do not update bixby
update galaxy store - Ok
Press again on bixby update - when its opened at the store just press back and install some launcher and open settings
Accessibility - advanced settings - accessibility - button - navigation button & select action (Color inversion)
Restore data (backup) - and at the same time click on the accessibility icon in the navigation bar for dismiss the update option

lg skip setup wizard

bypass samsung account / Samsung reactivation lock

clean data samsung account
open settings > apps > samsung account > uninstall updates
try to do factory reset > now it will ask to connect new samsung account > enter the account
press find my mobile
now you will see map with the phone with the account location
at the side of the site there is option unlock reactivation lock > enter the password
this may fail some times > keep try in faw minuets > after its disabled
do factory reset > enter the password and its done

12. open Package Disabler Pro.
14. Search for "Samsung account".
15. Once found, click on it, 'Clear Data' and then 'Disable' it.
16. Go back to Google now and search for QuickShortMaker.
17. Install it and open it. (You may need to use ES File Explorer to be able to navigate to it and open it.)
18. Within 'QuickShortMaker' > 'Incremental search' > 'Activities'; search for "Setup Wizard". It should be near the bottom. There are lots of setup wizards once you find it so pay close attention to specifics here.
19. Select the one with ".setupwizards.SetupExitActivity". (It's near the bottom of that particular screen but again, you need to pay attention to the small print and ensure you select the right one.)
20. Once you find it, select 'Create'.
21. Done! You can now restart your phone and after you select your language, then connect to WiFi, you will bypass Samsung Account and gain full access to your phone.

After this you can go and check that there is no Samsung account displayed (i.e. Settings > Accounts). There won't be, but you won't be able to add one at this point either....
1. Go back to Package Disabler Pro and re-enable the "Samsung Account" option.
2. Go to Storage (Settings > Storage) and clear all cache. 
3. Go to Find my Mobile (Settings > Lock screen and security > Find my Mobile) and from there you should be prompted to insert your Samsung Account details to successfully add your Samsung account.
4. Once completed, you can either choose to do a Factory data reset (from within 'Settings' > 'Backup and reset'. NOT from recovery. Or you can simply restart your phone if you don't need a factory reset and you should be good to go.
5. Done, now you should have your Samsung account registered to your phone and can sync with your account.

clean data samsung account & disable it
now restart the phone and do the first steps of installtion
may work at android 5

create contact in phone and 3 dots or options to access to share option and then you will have option to Samsung share and you will see some apps click one one of it and it will ask to open it with Samsung store ok enter your username and password of your account once you log in to store just download ES file explorer

and after that you can use apps tools to bypass your lock

open google search box with chrome broswer

Xiaomi Frp / Mi Account Unlock


connect to wifi
at the language screen press with 2 fingers and it will open - talkback > youtube > share > note -add image from gallery press the V and share to MAPS set to go and you will see in the right corner the speaker > said said OPEN FILES > and use OTG with quickshortmaker to install and open choose the HUAWEI HOME log in to home screen 
settings and buid number to enter to DEV and ENABLE USB DUBBGING and OEM UNLOCK go back and reopen the USB DUBBGING to check all is checked USB DUBBGING may not check but if its not check leave it like this and choose RESET and reset all with the internal storage

huawei hard reset / safe mode

huawei p20/p30 pro frp safe mode - All HUAWEI 2019 FRP/Google Lock Bypass Android/EMUI 9.1.0 WITHOUT PC | Unlock Device to Continue


fix bootloader exception - to download mode
samsung S9/ S8 / S7 edge bootloader exception bootloader exception fix bl2 exception(state booting) rst_stat = 0x10000000 bootloader exception do_handler_serror s7 edge bootloader exception bug

#1 option #
if you see the upper screenshot without android logo in the center of the screen - press HOME BUTTON until you see the screen with the android logo
if its work you can press now 

#2 option #

if you see the issue screen without android logo in the center of the screen and the long press on the home button method not working try this
press power + vol down
when the screen turn off and phone do restart press imidediately
and you will see phone in download mode
if its not working try several times 

#3 option #

press HOME + POWER + VOL DOWN and hold them for faw seconds
if not work try to do press power + vol down to restart the phone and try again
and you will see phone in download mode

#4 option #

press POWER + VOL DOWN and press multiply times on HOME button
and if you see the logo in the center press 
and you will see phone in download mode

mm phone not allowed for voice
mm phone not allowed
  # update phone to latest version
  # check with other carrier sim
  # make sure you have IMEI
  # make sure your phone is not in blacklist
  # use unlock with chimera tool if you receive in  the end of the process master unlock code / network unlock code - open dialer and enter this code #7465625*638*# and here enter the network unlock code / master unlock code
  # patch certificate - root & OEM enable
  # try to flash modem to check the security code U1/2/3... - S1/2/3...

mm phone not allowed for voice
mm phone not allowed
  # update phone to latest version
  # check with other carrier sim
  # make sure you have IMEI - the correct one
  # make sure your phone is not in blacklist
  # use unlock with chimera tool if you receive in  the end of the process master unlock code / network unlock code - open dialer and enter this code #7465625*638*# and here enter the network unlock code / master unlock code
  # patch certificate
  # try to flash modem to check the security code U1/2/3... - S1/2/3...

need patch certificate - need ROOT & OEM

new rom
download - flastwrp
boot to os
reboot to recovery
try first - boot to download flash again twrp and boot to twrp - try first
read only
wipe, format, data, yes
reboot, recovery - do not install twrp
install, no files need to transfer to phone, make sure the device recognize in device manager -
1-magisk latest - 2-samsung-antiroot-removal-4.1
reboot system - do not install twrp - will take time to boot

DO backup
backup/store backup - will backup
boot, efs, cpefs, modem, param, recovery, steady, parsistent, misc

make sure OEM is enable & then do patch certificate

How to Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot on Windows:

  • Your device must be plugged into your computer
  • You must have USB Debugging enabled under Developer Options (Note: This may be listed as ADB Debugging on some ROM’s)
  • You have installed the necessary drivers and your computer is recognizing your device
  1. Download the Minimal ADB and Fastboot setup
  2. Follow the Installers instructions and select where you would like to install Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool (For simplicity I choose to install it to the Desktop)
  3. After you have chosen where to install Minimal ADB and Fastboot too select whether you would like to create a Start Menu Folder or not for the installation
  4. Once you have chosen where to install it to and if you want to create a Start Menu Folder select the install option
  5. After the Installation Wizard has completed you can select to start Minimal ADB and Fastboot
  6. You can also start Minimal ADB and Fastboot by navigating to the Start Menu Folder you choose to create during installation or the desktop shortcut you choose to create and selecting Minimal ADB and Fastboot
  7. You should now see a command window open, with the command window open you can now issue ADB and Fastboot commands to your device

How to Remove SAMSUNG FRP via ADB Command:

  • Download Combination file or adb enabled boot file for you cellphone from z3x server, or where ever you want.
  • Edit combination file and flash sboot.img only from you combination file via Odin or any device allows you to skip partitions from md5 firmware, I recommend use z2x box for this.
  • Flash only tar (adb enabled file) or sboot.img from .md5 combination file.
  • In some cases we need to flash complete combination file, so it’s depends on your cellphone model.
  • Your Samsung phone should have adb enabled now.
  • Connect phone to pc and install adb drivers if needed.
  • Now go to your Minimal adb and fastboot installation folder
  • Press and hold [Shift] key on keyboard and right click anywhere at empty area in adb folder
  • You will have open command window here or open PowerShell here.
  • Click on command window (You need to enter cmd command if you are using windows 10 and have Open PowerShell window here)
Execute this command to bypass Google account verification screen:
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1
Some times you will not receive and ok message in command window but if you have adb access to your phone it will work. Please visit this post “Samsung Android 7.0 FRP Remove [No Box Required]” this can conform no response message in command window but phone activated.

If above command not work in your case you can try command written below. This will take you to login screen and then you can enter you new Google account.

adb shell am start -n
If both previous commands not working then try this.

adb shell am start -n
The method written above should work perfectly, If you have any problem please write in comments below i will try to answer as soon as possible.

How to remove FRP Via Fastboot Command?

In most of Qualcomm and other Android phones you will have fastboot option. So with commands written below you can also remove frp via fastboot.
  1. Enter your cellphone to Fastboot mode
  2. Open ADB and Fastboot Terminal as described above.
  3. Enter command written below.
This will Wipe your cellphone
fastboot -w
If Above Command not works, then use this command this will delete user configurations on your cellphone
fastboot erase config
If Above Command not Working Then use this command
fastboot -i 0x2a96 erase config

Remove FRP From SPD and MTK Based Android Phones?

  1. Go to Setting using This Method. XT1254 FRP Solution or any other witch allows you to enable usb debugging.
  2. Enable USB Debugging from Setting.
  3. Open ADB and Fastboot Terminal as described above.
  4. Use these commands
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1

If above not working then try this command

adb shell am start -n
If above not working then try this command

adb shell am start -n

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