
יום שבת, 19 במאי 2018

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Note 4X MTK - solved ERROR: STATUS_SEC_IMG_TYPE_MISMATCH (0xC002002A)

bypass/remove Mi account

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Note 4X MTK DEAD After Flash !!Solved

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Note 4X MTK stuck in bootloop

(0xC002002A) - cuz by cust.img file
(flash the rom in the end of the page and this will work with sp flash tool)

List of SP Flash Tool errors & their solutions

Error: 0xc002002A


Meaning: The firmware you're trying to flash is either not compatible with your device or you have selected the wrong flashing settings 

  • Ensure that the file(s) you're trying to flash are actually for your exact phone model
  • Ensure you tick the boxes for only the files present in the ROM you're about to flash
  • Probably have the wrong driver installed. Uninstall vcom,  preloader and MTK drivers using usb deview then manually re-install using
  • Delete the sp flash tool folder then re-extract 
  • Ensure the phone is switched off (with battery still inside) before connecting to PC for flashing. 
  • If that doesn't work, keep  holding  down the volume decrease button just before connecting the phone to PC for flashing (you could try volume increase , power + volume decrease or power + volume increase).
  • Consider using the latest version of Sp Flash tool
  • Format the phone before trying to flash the file(s) again

install mtk driver from links
make sure the phone is turn off
load scatter file to sp flash tool
first do format from sp flash tool prest start - phone turn off and press vol down and connect the usb then  you will see the bar load in the buttom line
now press download from rom files and the scatter - phone turn off and press vol down and connect the usb then  you will see the bar load in the buttom line
and thats it andd down the phone will turn on like new and without the mi account and Frp

 after phone boot and all work there is one more problem you can see invalid imei to solved this problem you need to use the tool call MauiMETA from MEGA link

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